Comparison between 2 Progesterone-based synchronisation programs (7-Day CoSynch+PRID vs PRID+eCG) for fixed time artificial insemination in suckled beef cows in European field conditions
Stanislas Vittoz, Jean-Christophe Mayar, Mathieu Saint-Blancat, Olivier Valles, Christian Gipoulou, Damien Remmy, Pedro Pinho, Juan Munõz Bielsa and Federico Randi
Publication information
World Buiatric Congress 2022. Ceva Santé Animale, Libourne, France. Coopelso, Le Tournal, Soual, France
The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of two different oestrous synchronisation protocols to facilitate fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) in suckled beef cows under French field conditions.
A total of 540 suckled cows located on 35 farms were enrolled across one breeding season. After a voluntary waiting period of 40 days postpartum, all cows were enrolled cows body condition score (BCS) was assessed on a scale of 1 to 5. Cows were then randomly assigned to receive one of 2 Treatments, as outlined in the figure below.
- The two treatments achieved similar pregnancy per AI (P/AI) (Treatment 1 64.3%, Treatment 2 64.2%, P>0.05), neither BCS nor the interval postpartum-AI had an effect on pregnancy outcome. There was a treatment by parity interaction (P=0.048).
- This effect was expressed by having the primiparous cows presenting a P/AI of 68.2% in Treatment 1 vs 54.6% in Treatment 2, instead for multiparous cows (parity ≥ 3) the P/AI was 58.12% in Treatment 1 compared to 69.4% in Treatment 2.
The two treatments showed overall equivalence in terms of fertility/AI, due to a lower number of handlings the use of 7-Day CoSynch+PRID (Trt 2) is the most valuable solution for breeding suckled beef cows under European conditions.
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